Aim Higher Training

Vocational Qualifications, Online Courses, Coaching, Personal and Professional Development

Author : Jane Hyde-Walsh

Calling all businesses: What are your Green Credentials?

Following on from some generally disappointing decisions and commitments from the latest COP27 in November 2022 conference it led us to consider what we can do as individuals and business owners to follow more environmentally sustainable practices in businesses. So we thought we’d take stock of what we are doing to increase sustainability and support […]

Is it Time for you to Work with a Career Coach?

If you’re feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your job it might be time for you to start working with a Career Coach. At Aim Higher Training we offer career coaching to help clients identify strengths and weaknesses, assess skills, and develop a structured approach to developing a career path. Hiring a career coach is an […]

7 Great Ways to Manage Stress in the Workplace

In the United Kingdom on average anyone who experiences work-related stress can lose 24 days a year of absence from work. According to research from 2018 up to 74% of people feel overwhelmed or unable to cope – 81% of women and 67% of men. Stress is a normal part of life and work so […]

Workplace Mental Health – All you need to know by Tom Oxley

We’d like to share this TED Talk  Workplace Mental Health – All you need to know by Tom Oxley as it’s a great summary of why mental health in the workplace is so essential to both individuals and the organisation alike.   He talks about the key signs of stress and how hard it is […]

How to Create Harmony and Wellbeing in the Workplace

One in four people can suffer from a mental health illness during their lifetime and poor mental health among employees costs UK employers £42bn – £45bn each year which is a cost of up to £1,717 per employee according to a recent study by Deloitte. These scary statistics are reasons why promoting and supporting employee […]

How to Practice Emotional First Aid

We love this TED Talk – it’s so important to emphasize our mental health just as much as our physical health and this video makes for interesting and informative viewing. Enjoy!    

Understanding and Dealing with Loneliness

May has been Mental Health Awareness Month with a focus on loneliness and in this post, we will explore how loneliness can manifest, who might be at most risk, and what we can do to help anyone who may be feeling lonely. Feeling lonely can hit anyone at any age and at any time during […]

8 Benefits of Learning at Work

This week from 16th – 22nd May 2022, it has been Learning in Work Week in the United Kingdom. We thought it would be useful to reflect on the benefits of learning at work and why this is such an effective way to train employees to enable them to help them to embrace challenges and […]

Why we should all be more Mental Health Aware

From the 9th to the 15th May 2022  was Mental Health Awareness week and May was Mental Health Awareness month – these initiatives are great reminders about how important this issue is for everyone. In 2021 according to the Health and Safety Executive 0.8 million employees were suffering from stress, anxiety, or depression.  And in […]

Exciting new partnership with new online platform CMy Qual

We are delighted to announce our partnership with a new online platform called cMyQual a new, online career management platform designed to help individuals curate, track and store their achievements. In addition, users can set career goals, share their portfolio with ease and security, and benefit from ongoing CV, interview preparation, and coaching support. The […]

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