Aim Higher Training

Vocational Qualifications, Online Courses, Coaching, Personal and Professional Development

Workforce Development

Innovative Approaches to Attracting Top Talent

Beyond Resumes and CV’s: Innovative Approaches to Attracting Top Talent In the fast-paced world of business, finding and attracting top talent is an ongoing challenge. Traditionally, resumes and CVs have been the go-to tools for identifying potential candidates, but as the job market evolves and diversifies, so must our approaches to talent acquisition. In this […]

Navigating the Talent Hunt: Modern Recruitment Strategies for Success

Navigating the Talent Hunt: Modern Recruitment Strategies for Success In the ever-evolving world of recruitment, staying ahead of the curve has never been more crucial. The current employment climate presents employers and recruiters with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. With the talent pool shifting, and job seekers possessing more power and options, developing […]

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