Aim Higher Training

Vocational Qualifications, Online Courses, Coaching, Personal and Professional Development

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Principles of Team Leading

Key Facts

Qualification Number: NCFE 603/3883/0

Guided Learning Hours: 180 hours

Fee: £350

Who is this qualification for?

This qualification is suitable for learners aged pre-16 and above. This qualification suits young and adult learners to develop the knowledge, understanding, and essential skills employers need in employees. These include essential skills such as teamwork, independent learning and problem-solving.

Programme Goals

This qualification aims to meet the needs of those who must develop their knowledge and understanding of team leading, communication skills, problem-solving and other essential skills for the workplace.

This qualification will give candidates the opportunity to:

Achieve a nationally recognised qualification valued by employers

Develop skills and competence in the workplace and increase confidence

Develop the essential knowledge of team leading and business skills in the workplace

Improve employability and increase skills and knowledge for the workplace

Programme Delivery

This qualification is regulated by the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QFC). It provides learners with a wide range of knowledge to understand the principles of team leading in the workplace.

This knowledge-based qualification should be assessed in a realistic work environment that aligns with the relevant assessment strategy. To achieve the NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Team Leading, a learner must produce a portfolio of evidence to support three mandatory and five optional units.

Assessment plans and portfolio evidence will be assessed by a fully qualified and occupationally competent coach/assessor through a series of virtual online reviews on a one-to-one basis, using various methods. They will be delivered flexibly according to the learner’s needs.

Portfolio evidence will then be internally quality assured and externally certified by the Awarding Body NCFE.

Further information about this qualification can be found here you can read the standards here or please send your enquiry to [email protected]

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Awarding Body and Registrations

ICO Logo

ICO No: A878670

UKPRN No: 10062610

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